
X-Ray and Ultrasound>

Surgery Service>

Dental Care>

Preventative and Wellness Exams At Mayer Veterinary Hospital

Your pet can benefit greatly from regular wellness examinations or checkups. Whether your pet is a youngster, a “senior citizen,” or any age in between, wellness examinations provide an excellent opportunity for us to conduct a thorough physical examination and develop a health profile for your pet. We will use the wellness visit to ask you questions about your pet's behavior, appetite, exercise habits, and regular activities at home. This information will help us identify medical problems and any other issues that can affect your pet’s health and quality of life.

Monday - Friday

7:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Saturday & Sunday


Phone Number

(337) 988-3303

Fax Number

(337) 988-1501

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